First lady Jill Biden underwent a procedure at Walter Reed Army Medical Center on Wednesday — commonly known as Mohs surgery — to remove a small lesion above her right eye. The lesion was confirmed by the president’s physician to be basal cell carcinoma, or skin cancer.
According to a description from, Mohs surgery is named for its pioneer — Frederic E. Mohs, MD — and allows the greatest number of cancer cells to be removed, promoting the highest overall cure rate resulting in minimal scarring and damage to healthy tissue.
According to the memorandum issued by Kevin O’Connor, D.O., FAAFP Physician to the President, the surgery was a success and all cancerous tissue was removed.{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}5Etfw{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}7Ctwcamp{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}5Etweetembed{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}7Ctwterm{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}5E1613284126815326209{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}7Ctwgr{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}5E3fa707228fa3d3773640effc632679c5ffa9622b{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}7Ctwcon{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}5Es1_c10&ref_url=https{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}3A{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}2F{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}2Fnews{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}2Fdoctors-remove-lesion-from-jill-bidens-eyelid-confirm-skin-cancer
“The procedure confirmed that the small lesion was basal cell carcinoma,” the memo read. “All cancerous tissue was successfully removed and the margins were clear of any residual skin cancer cells. We will monitor the area closely as it heals, but do not anticipate any more procedures will be needed.”
O’Connor also noted that, while the first lady was undergoing the procedure on her eyelid, a second area of concern was identified — this one on the left side of her chest. The second lesion was also successfully removed, and once again, lab tests confirmed that it was also basal cell carcinoma. Skin cancers, O’Connor explained in the memo, often spread — and the earlier they are caught, the easier they are to successfully remove.
The president’s physician concluded the memo by saying that Biden was resting and well on her way to recovery. “As anticipated, the First Lady is experiencing some facial swelling and bruising, but is in good spirits and is feeling well. She will return to the White House later today.”
The White House announced last week that the first lady would be undergoing the procedure, and all appears to have gone according to plan.