Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram are modifying their regulations to allow transgender and non-binary users to post photos and videos featuring their bare breasts, according to an update published on Meta’s advisory board.
The same rules will not apply to biological females. The tech oligarchs will not permit women who identify as female to flash their bare breasts on the social media platforms.
Meta’s Oversight Board ordered Facebook and Instagram to rescind a ban on images of men with breasts who identify as transgender and anyone who identifies as “non-binary,” those who view themselves as neither male nor female.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg instituted the Meta Oversight Board in 2018 to act as the company’s “Supreme Court,” providing the platform’s governing body the authority to make precedent-setting content moderation decisions and censorship regulations.
Cisgender women, a person who identifies as their biological sex and gender, will not be allowed to post images of their bare breast, the board underscores in the decision.
“The same image of female-presenting nipples would be prohibited if posted by a cisgender woman but permitted if posted by an individual self-identifying as non-binary,” Meta Oversight Board states in the policy which was published on its website on Jan. 17.
There will also be “additional nipple-related exceptions based on contexts of protest, birth-giving, after birth, and breastfeeding which it did not examine here, but also must be assessed,” the board notes.
The updated policy was prompted by complaints claiming the ban of images featuring bare breasts on the platforms is discriminatory against gender-fluid users.
Meta’s oversight board notes in its decision that it overturned a ban on a couple that describes themselves as transgender and non-binary. The transgender couple was flagged by users for posting images of themselves topless with their nipples covered. Meta initially banned the image, but the couple appealed the decision and Meta agreed to restore the photos online.
“We welcome the board’s decision in this case,” a Meta spokesperson told the New York Post. “We had reinstated this content prior to the decision, recognizing that it should not have been taken down.”
“We are constantly evaluating our policies to help make our platforms safer for everyone,” the rep continued. “We know more can be done to support the LGBTQ+ community, and that means working with experts and LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations on a range of issues and product improvements.”
Meta’s “human reviewers” are now tasked with “quickly assess[ing] both a user’s sex, as this policy applies to ‘female nipples,’ and their gender identity,” the board states in the updated policy.