A hostage situation in Richland, Mississippi ended last night after police shot and killed the suspect.
The incident, which was caught on video, began at around 5:45 pm after reports were made to the Richland Police Department. The RPD tweeted that they were “working an incident at Walmart involving a weapon. The scene is secure and we will provide updates when they become available.”
Police provided an update later on, tweeting that “RPD had an officer-involved shooting this evening at Walmart. All of our officers are safe. Walmart is secure and closed at this time. MBI will be conducting an independent investigation,” he said, according to a local news outlet.
One woman was shot and killed. Details about what led to the hostage situation are not known. Richland police Chief Nick McLendon said that no others were injured during the situation.
“It’s devastating for all parties involved — the officers, everybody that was involved in this situation,” McLendon said. “You know, with the Christmas season coming, mental health is a big deal because of the stress involved in the Christmas season.”