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Transgender Student Charged with Assaulting Female High School Classmates in Bathroom

A transgender student in Oklahoma was charged with assault after the student allegedly punched two female students in the girls’ restroom at a high school in late October, police reports show.

According to the report filed Oct. 26 and obtained by Fox News Digital, the transgender student listed as student “A” entered the restroom and spoke to a female student. After some contentious words were exchanged, a fight broke out.

The student victim, labeled as “V” on the redacted report, told police she was speaking with friends in the girls’ bathroom when student “A” approached her with a question. After telling “A” she didn’t want to speak with her and why, “A” became angry and asked her if she “wanted to fight” before hitting her in the face. The alleged assailant continued to hit, kick and pull student “V’s” hair.

“V” told police the strength of “A”‘s punch left her unable to fight back. One friend reported they tried to help, but they were also struck in the face twice. A witness said they worried about their friend because the assailant was “a man.”

Police observed one victim had injuries to her “eye, face and head with a possible concussion.”

The student was charged with single counts of disorderly conduct and assault and battery.

Police stated that students who witnessed the fight “speculated that A was a male but did not know for sure.”

Upon investigation, the police found there was no gender listed on the transgender student’s birth certificate, but a paternity affidavit listed the student as male. Student “A”‘s mother further confirmed to police that her child was “born male but identified as female.”

The student’s mother said her child suffered “a lot of mental and emotional abuse” and blamed one of the victims for bullying her child for being transgender recently. The police report noted both parties put up Snapchat posts on their social media accounts following the incident that an officer told them to take down.

The school district confirmed to Fox News Digital that student “A” no longer attends the school.

“On October 26, administrators at Edmond Memorial High School investigated an injury fight between three students in a women’s restroom. During the course of the investigation, it was discovered that one of the students involved in the fight is transgender and was using the women’s restroom in violation of state law and district policy #5540 which requires students to use restrooms according to the sex on their birth certificate,” district representative Susan Parks-Schlepp said.

The school representative noted the student had only begun attending the school days before the incident and the student’s birth gender was unknown to school administrators at the time.

“The family did not provide a birth certificate at the time of the enrollment but assured Edmond Memorial High School personnel that the documentation was forthcoming,” she said.

“Those involved in the fight have received consequences in accordance with both district policy #5540 and state law (Senate Bill 615). The student no longer attends Edmond Memorial High School,” she added.

Until recently, Oklahoma was one of several states following Biden administration guidelines to allow students to choose the bathrooms and locker rooms that matched their gender identity.

Those policies caused a backlash from parents in the Sooner State last spring. In May, Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a law opposing the Biden administration’s policy, requiring students at public schools and public charter schools to use restrooms and locker rooms that match the sex listed on their birth certificates or an individual bathroom.

Oklahoma Superintendent Joy Hofmeister, a former Republican who became a Democrat to run against Governor Kevin Stitt, has said transgender bathroom policies should be determined by school boards.

Three transgender students filed a federal lawsuit against the new policy in September, claiming it was discriminatory and unconstitutional.

