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WATCH: Woman Coaches Young Boy to Identify as a Girl, Claim that Boys Are ‘Nasty’

A video has emerged on social media of what appears to be a woman encouraging a young boy to identify as a girl.

In the short clip, the boy is dressed in a pink sparkly cheerleader outfit and the woman filming, whose identity has not been confirmed, asks if he feels like a boy or a girl. The boy replies that he feels like a girl, and when pressed, says that he thinks boys are “nasty” and “gross” because “they’re not pretty.”

The accompanying subtext informs viewers that “Evan has not stated he identifies as trans, but he has stated he does not identify solely as a boy.” Evan appears to be approximately three or four years of age.

After stating that he feels more like a girl, and that he’s a “girl/boy,” the woman, stroking his long hair tied up in pigtails, repeats “so you feel more like a girl,” and Evan agrees.{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}5Etfw{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}7Ctwcamp{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}5Etweetembed{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}7Ctwterm{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}5E1619519407507783680{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}7Ctwgr{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}5E934af7c1fd8f83f9061ea8940b3a6ee2445f3f34{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}7Ctwcon{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}5Es1_c10&ref_url=https{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}3A{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}2F{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}{17fd9ed690c1b52b81269a246981635feafa4e787b5d1af0bbeaebca7de63266}2Fmust-watch-woman-coaches-young-boy-to-identify-as-a-girl-claim-that-boys-are-nasty

When asked what he thinks about boys, Evan’s head snaps up and he delivers a definitive “nasty.” He goes on to describe them as “gross,” and when asked why he thinks that, he gives the reason that “they’re not pretty.”

More subtext tells us that the intention behind the video is to educate and remind people how important support and acceptance are for LGBTQ+ youth.

But opinions vary on what form such support should take. The adult in this video seems to advocate for telling boys who like pink and sparkles that they can be girls. Within trans activism, there are numerous high-profile examples of young boys being socially transitioned to girls and set on a pathway towards medical intervention at puberty.

Most famous of all is Jazz Jennings, star of the reality show I Am Jazz. Jennings was extremely gender-nonconforming from early childhood and instead of accepting that gender-nonconformity, Jennings’ parents opted for social and then medical transition. Jennings suffered serious complications following vaginoplasty surgery and has since developed an eating disorder. Jennings’ surgeon, WPATH president Dr. Marci Bowers, recently stated that male children who have their puberty blocked early will never have sexual function as adults.

Then there’s Rebekah, a male child who was transitioned at a young age and whose parents, Jamie and Christopher Bruesehoff, are now fierce advocates for child sex changes.

The family tell their story in an episode of My Trans Life. Rebekah describes being extremely gender-nonconforming in early childhood, and then discovering the term transgender at age 8.

“I felt like I was a girl because I liked the color pink, and I liked girl clothes and how they wear their hair and stuff,” Rebekah explained. “I’m a girl in my head and my heart.

Rebekah has since progressed onto the experimental medical sex change pathway.

Opponents of child sex changes argue that extreme gender-nonconformity in childhood is a strong indicator that the child will grow up to be a homosexual adult, making the chemical castration of future gay and lesbian adults in the name of gender a new form of conversion therapy.

In fact, many have raised concerns that homophobia plays a role in parents transitioning their young children. Kai Shappley was transitioned as a young child because Shappley’s parents were horrified at the thought of having a gay son. Shappley’s mother has spoken about how she researched conversion therapy and tried to implement it at home when Kai was a young child. She and her husband would spank Kai for “stealing girl toys.”

Kai is now a prominent child activist campaigning for child sex changes and the right of children who identify as members of the opposite sex to access spaces that match their identity and not their body.

The same phenomenon was observed at the soon-to-be-closed Tavistock gender clinic in London, where whistleblowers raised safeguarding concerns that some homophobic parents were attempting to “trans away the gay.”

