Disney has gone for woke yet again with a recent episode of the cartoon series “Proud Family” — which featured kids singing a song about reparations that America “owes” to black Americans and about how “slaves built this country.”
The recent episode that aired on Disney+, titled “Louder and Prouder,” reviews the history of Juneteenth when the kids discover their town’s founder was a slave-owner. The song opens with the line, “This country was built on slavery — which means slaves built this country” — and that line was repeated over and over throughout.
Here is Disney’s The Proud Family singing about how “slaves built this country”
— YAF (@yaf) February 3, 2023
“We the descendants of slaves in America have earned reparations for their suffering,” the song continued. “And continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in a systemic prejudice, racism and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for.”
In the cartoon, that last line was punctuated by four black students glaring while the only white student on the stage with them held a sign that read “still has not atoned for.”
“Slaves built this country,” they shouted again, claiming, “We made your families rich,” as they listed plantation owners, northern bankers, New England ship-owners, the Founding Fathers, and current senators among those who had profited on the backs of slaves.
The cartoon even included the debunked “Hands up, don’t shoot” claim that originated after the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri.
“Imagine paying money to Disney to teach your kids to hate themselves and hate their country,” Human Events senior editor Jack Posobiec tweeted in response.
“This is a scene from a Disney+ kids cartoon called The Proud Family Blatant anti-white propaganda,” @endwokeness tweeted.
The Daily Wire’s own Co-CEO and [lower case] god-king Jeremy Boreing took a moment to remind audiences that DW Kids was coming soon. “DW Kids is coming. Not soon enough,” he lamented.
DW Kids is coming. Not soon enough. https://t.co/cyJ40SZjTO
— Jeremy Boreing (@JeremyDBoreing) February 5, 2023